How to Remove Mouse Lag from Elan Touch Pad on a laptop

One of the most annoying things about gaming on a laptop is the touchpad. Now there is no reason why the touch pad should not be as serviceable as the good old mouse, It might take a little practise but it should work just as well as a standard mouse. However if you have ever tried to aim immediately after using the keyboard in most cases you’ll probably have noticed that you can’t for a few seconds or that there seems to be interference.

What you would have just experienced is Palm Protection (Different company’s call it different things but it all amounts to the same thing). What Palm Protection is designed to do is to protect users from accidently activating the touch pad while typing on the keyboard. The Idea being that if you’re typing an email or for instance a article you’re not having your cursor move around the screen and end up accidently typing away in a sentence you finished ages ago.

For gaming however this is a bit of a nightmare as it can mean that for a few moments you are unable to look or aim which in some games isn’t an issue but in fast paced games such as a fps could mean the difference to life or death.

Now you would think it would be pretty easy to disable this and indeed for some manufactures its just a option in the driver settings for the touchpad. However for others even switching it off in the settings doesn’t actually switch it off.


And that’s where this post comes into it.

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Combat Testing

Now some of you may or may not know that I am a member of a beta testing group called Combat Testing We are currently looking for Xbox 360 owners

Combat Testing, a division of Combat Studios LLC. is currently looking for you, the hard-core Xbox player, to help test and improve some upcoming Xbox 360 titles. If your interested in playing and working on the latest, before any public release, games and software titles please consider joining Combat Testing. We have some exciting new products coming soon. If you do not already know, we in the past, have been involved with such titles as BF2, BF2142, BF1943, BF|BC2 and are currently testing MoH for the Xbox 360. So if you would like to participate, AND are at least 18 years old (Required for NDA) please click here and submit an application. Combat Testing

We are currently testing MoH for the Xbox 360 If you are 18 or over and would like to sign up please visit the site by clicking the link Here

Peacekeeper. Safari leads the way.

Peacekeeper came out of beta recently and is now live.

What is Peacekeeper?


Peacekeeper is futuremarks next foray into the world of benchmarking software Peacekeeper basically is a bunch of tests that are run in a web browser of your choice that tests performance of said browser and give a tangible score for comparison. And the good news is it works on pretty much any platform although the system scanner which is optional will only work on windows.

Currently Apple with there safari 4 beta are leading in the speed stakes with googles chrome 2.0 beta and mozillas firefox 3.5 beta close behind and as I’m sure most people would expect Microsoft’s Internet explorer 7 and 8 taking up last place 8 being the slightest bit faster of the two.

Although at the time of typing google’s chrome has the highest one off score with a score of 5910

I have tried the test myself which everyone can if they go HERE And scored a 2033 in chrome and a slower 724 in firefox 3.010


You are given a fairly good feedback as to what the browser performed well in and what it didn’t, also the faq has a lot of information and explains that the reason for the seemingly strange name of peacekeeper is all down to the so called browser wars. Its well worth a quick read over Here


Do the test and post the results in the comments I would be intresteed to see them.