Vista Thanks But No Thanks!

I saw This story from the BBC pop into my RSS aggregator today and it reminds me why I am still running all my machines on XP.


I would have thought that Microsoft would have learnt by now that this sort of thing does themselves no favours at all. It not only makes them look bad in the public eye it cant help there image with the developers that make the software that’s affected.

I am very security conscious when it comes to my computers and do tend to update my software regularly but if I was running vista I would in light of this give service pack 1 a miss for some time. Lets face it, its going to be filled with more bugs than it fixes even if you discount this news. I just don’t think that the hassle it has the potential to cause is worth it for new features and a more secure environment. How It could be said to increase security when it makes a whole load of third party security suites stop working I don’t know.

This is the list of some of the named software that’s affected sadly the list isn’t all inclusive.

BitDefender AV
Fujitsu Shock Sensor
Jiangmin KV Antivirus 10
Jiangmin KV Antivirus 2008
Trend Micro Internet Security
Zone Alarm Security Suite
Iron Speed Designer
Xheo Licensing
Free Allegiance
NYT Reader
Rising Personal Firewall
Novell ZCM Agent

So nothing that’s used by very many people then. [ A big welcome to my friend sarcasm please]

For some reason the part of the story that annoys me the most perhaps because I am not a vista user is this

“Microsoft warned that its list was not “comprehensive” and asked people to get in touch with the maker of any affected software to fix problems”

I think its a damn cheek that after breaking things that they seem to expect everyone else to do the hard work.

Think I will be sticking with xp for a little while yet.


Fixed some very silly mistakes and gave the post a title and some tags as I stupidly forgot. I blame staying up till 3am and I’m sticking to it.