Peacekeeper. Safari leads the way.

Peacekeeper came out of beta recently and is now live.

What is Peacekeeper?


Peacekeeper is futuremarks next foray into the world of benchmarking software Peacekeeper basically is a bunch of tests that are run in a web browser of your choice that tests performance of said browser and give a tangible score for comparison. And the good news is it works on pretty much any platform although the system scanner which is optional will only work on windows.

Currently Apple with there safari 4 beta are leading in the speed stakes with googles chrome 2.0 beta and mozillas firefox 3.5 beta close behind and as I’m sure most people would expect Microsoft’s Internet explorer 7 and 8 taking up last place 8 being the slightest bit faster of the two.

Although at the time of typing google’s chrome has the highest one off score with a score of 5910

I have tried the test myself which everyone can if they go HERE And scored a 2033 in chrome and a slower 724 in firefox 3.010


You are given a fairly good feedback as to what the browser performed well in and what it didn’t, also the faq has a lot of information and explains that the reason for the seemingly strange name of peacekeeper is all down to the so called browser wars. Its well worth a quick read over Here


Do the test and post the results in the comments I would be intresteed to see them.


Every now and then when I am bored I visit a little addon website for my browser of choice Firefox. It is a great site full of many useful and useless things

I go there when I’m bored to see what new stuff people have been making see if there is any new ideas or new takes on old ideas. Sometimes i find things that are superb and install them immediately.

One such extension I came across the other day is Piclens.

It works with various websites like flickr and basically creates a full screen slideshow of the pictures the video explains better than I can.

Good news for non firefox users to chances are that there is a version available for you as versions are also available for Internet Explorer and Macs.